Journal Articles

"I love deadlines. I love the whoosing sound they make as they go by.”
Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

Journal Article Submissions

In addition to the editing service you choose, ReConsider will:
  • Proofread your cover letter.
  • Check formatting per journals’ specified style guide.
  • Suggest ways to reduce word count if document exceeds journal limit.
  • Provide a document highlighting the key comments and critiques of your document.

 When you fill out the academic contact form, it is important for you to include the name of the journal you plan to submit your article to, word count allowance, referencing format, and any other information that helps me provide the best result for you.


Note: that you are responsible for formatting your document.

Storage of work/ privacy / data protection:

I will keep your files for as long as necessary. Files and documents will be deleting upon final payment.

All client work is kept on an external drive. No work is passed on to a third party. 

For Danish Tax System (SKAT) I need your name, address, and email for the invoice. If your organization/company is to pay, I need the address of their accounts department. This is the only ‘personal’ information I require. A copy of the invoice has to be kept for 5 years regarding Danish Tax legislation. 

The client will pay the agreed fee and will receive work per the agreed timeframe unless:

Upon receipt of the document file or at an early stage, it becomes clear that significantly more work is required than anticipated, I can renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline.

Ultimately, I can choose not to proceed with the project.

Additionally, if I have blocked out a specific timeframe for your project (based on the information from the client), and it is cancelled or delayed, I reserve the right to charge for the time/project.

Liability / Responsibility:

For any work on a thesis’ or dissertation I require a written letter from your supervisor stating the university allows you to use services of a professional proof-reader.  Some universities prohibit or have guidelines related to what a proof-reader can do. A breach of such agreements can result in serious consequences for YOU. Please send me any specifics guidelines before I start the work.

The final grade you are awarded is not within my control. I cannot be held legally responsible for you receiving a lower mark than you expected based on the material I proofread.

If I, and you as the client, have blocked out a specific timeframe for your project and it is cancelled or delayed, I reserve the right to charge for the time/project.

What does editing service cover for students submitting work to be assessed:

  1. Checking and correcting misspellings and punctuation using track changes in Word.
  2. Ensure the grammar and syntax of the document, including any footnotes, endnotes, or appendices). This includes rewording parts of a. sentence to clarify your English (British or US spellings/ punctuation).
  3. Track change comments where your ideas are unclear. Comments provide you with information that you can decide to act on. As the author, you are the expert. Comments may also suggest alternatives to incorrect word choices and redundancies.
  4. Ensures consistency of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and other aspects of style. I also ensure consistency of formatting and that any numbering systems, i.e., chapters, sections, table, figures are sequential and correct; however, I will not create these elements- only correct your errors.

If needed, I will suggest reorganization of sentence or paragraph structure for clarity.

  1. Highlight inconsistencies in subject to verb agreement, article usage, and prepositions.
  2. If your university permits, correcting spelling errors in references and highlighting inconsistencies in reference style ( Harvard, APA, etc.), but I do not cross-check the details with external sources, nor verify that all the correct information is there.  I will not implement any style if it hasn’t already been done by you. Cross-referencing between text and end list is an optional cost.

Payment: unless otherwise agreed in writing, all fees are payable in Euros by bank transfer within 30 days of invoice. 

If payment is not received in due time, interest will be added at the rate of 10% for each month. For large documents, payment agreements can be made for multiple payments (beginning, middle, end).

Undergraduate thesis’ can receive 25 % discount, after verification of enrolment.